Today, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether Government can monitor people through GPS devices without warrants. The case has been covered extensively. Perhaps the most thorough treatment is that from SCOTUS Blog’s Lyle Denniston, which can be found here. Orin Kerr over The Volokh Conspiracy also covers both questions: whether the use of a GPS device on an individual’s car constitutes a search or seizure; and whether installing a GPS device counts as a search or seizure.  

The Los Angeles Times also has coverage, as does the opinion board of the New York Times.

From all the reading I’ve done on this case, predicting how the Court will resolve these difficult questions is beyond me. Whether the Court will get it right, is too.

All I know is that I don’t want to live in a world where the federal government can monitor me wherever I go. That doesn’t seem reasonable as a matter of American/constitutional/common sense. But we shall see…